Monday, 24 September 2012

Magazine contents page conventions

The conventions of magazine contents pages are:

When looking at magazine contents pages you will see again, like magzine front covers that they all have the same or similar conventions and the layout of the page is also similar in every magazine. magazines have to do this otherwise a reader may struggle to understand the information thats on the page if the layout is complicated.

Kerrang conventions
-All contain images
-More than one image
-Bigger image usually means its a feature article
-Page numbers shown
-Simple style so its easy to read
-Information listed in columns
-Article titiles
-Article description
-Issue information
-Images related to stories
-House style
-Issue date

Looking at another magazine contents page you will see similar or the exact same conventions.


-More than one image
-larger image for the main article
-Smaller image for the minor article
-Article information
-Certain page numbers
-Page numbers arranged into revelant sections
-Issue information
-Information listed in columns
-Layout makes it easy to read
-House style
-Issue date

Teen vogue conventions

-Listed in columns
-Only certain page numbers
-Article titles
-Article information
-Large image for main article
-Femine colours because of target audience
-House style
-Easy to read layout
-Issue date

Again i have shown completely different magazine contents pages, but when you look at them and the conventions that they share you notice that in many ways they are quite similar E.G. layout and the way the information is presented on the page are pretty much the same. and they all contain images specific to the articles they have written about. again magazines have to do this so the customers can easily understand what they are trying to get across.

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