Written Plans
Front page:
· The main image I will take for my front page will be of a guitar player, the image will be taken from a low down angle looking up at the person giving a more domineering presence to the photo. The photo will be positioned to the left of my front page and will be almost the same size as the page. The models head will be slightly positioned over the masthead but not enough to prevent it from being readable.
· There will be a second image on the front cover; this will be a lot smaller than my main image as to not take focus away from the main one. It will be placed in the bottom right hand corner of the page and will have a cover line directly above it relating to the image and the article that its part of. The image will be surrounded by some sort of boarder.
· On the front cover I will have three cover lines, the first cover line will be placed at the base of my main image, it will be related to the main image and be in a completely different font to the other two cover lines. The size of this cover line will also be larger than the other two. My other two cover lines will be on the right hand side of the front page, one being placed just above my secondary image and the final cover line will be directly above that. The third cover line will be related to the article that is on the double page spread.
· The barcode for my magazine will be placed in the bottom right hand corner of the front cover with the price of the magazine just above it. My issue information will be placed in the top right hand corner just underneath the title.
· The font for my masthead will be: Ride the lightning, font for the main cover line will be: Infected, and the font for the other two cover lines will be: Rustik.
Contents page:
· The contents page will carry on the same colour scheme as the front cover and will have a similar font for the title (font for contents page title will be: Rockster). The main image on the contents page will be placed just underneath the title and span the width of the whole page. The image will be of an entire band on stage.
· Underneath the main image will be three columns of the same width containing information about what’s in the magazine. The column on the left hand side will change information each week as this will be a featured column, the middle column will be all about upcoming artists, so the title of this column will never change and the column on the right hand of the page will be all about tour and gig information for different bands.
· The fonts I will be using for my contents are page are: main title – Rockster, column headings – Rustik, and for normal text within the three columns I will be using – stencil std.
· Image wise on the contents page I will again be using two images; I’ve already mentioned my main image, so my secondary image will be off a singer with a microphone. It will be a close up shot of the model as you will only be able to see his head and the microphone. This image will be placed in the bottom right hand corner of my contents page.
Double page spread
· My double page spread article will be an interview with a band called “The Thought Police” it will be a question an answer article with the questions being written in one colour and the answer will be in a different colour so that the readers can identify which is which. The questions will centre on how the band managed to break through from playing little gigs to playing stadiums. Some of the questions will be asked to the whole band while the rest of the questions will be asked to the individuals within the band.
· The images that I am going to use for the double page spread will be another whole band picture but also placed at different positions of the double page will be images of the individual members of the band.